Bob Goff “Dream Big” Event

Dream Big with Bob Goff, a virtual event with a 24-hour expiration.

“Dream Big” with Bob Goff

FlyteVu’s mission is to create life’s most memorable moments. We do that through the campaigns we work on, but it’s really the clients who bring those to life. See how we celebrated our clients through this first-of-its-kind opportunity.

Read more in Entrepreneur Magazine on the inspiration behind the Dream Big event and ‘Building from Abundance’ from FlyteVu Co-Founder Laura Hutfless.

2020 Recap

Our campaigns empower women, create social good, give back to the community, and move clients forward.

Women’s Issues

Women are responsible for 70-80% of consumer spending. At FlyteVu, we do more than create marketing campaigns to target female consumers. We strive to level the playing field, create leadership opportunities for women, and challenge gender norms. See how we’ve helped our clients champion and empower women, and create new paths for future generations.

Social Good

Since the creation of FlyteVu, one of our core missions has remained true- Give Back to the Community. We’re proud to share highlights from some of our campaigns that served communities around the country. Our clients’ actions speak louder than words, and we are proud to work with brands who are willing to stand up, take action, create change and give back.


FlyteVu leverages technology to provide exciting solutions for clients and consumers. Take a look at some of our most innovative campaigns to date.

Related Work.

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FlyteVu helped create and launch and partnered with Joan Smalls to support…

  • Creative
  • Publicity
  • Strategy

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